Informazioni fornite da CNIT il giorno 11 marzo 2019


AZIENDA PROPONENTE: Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT)

Breve descrizione dell’attività svolta dall’azienda: HW and SW solutions development for Cooperative-Intelligent Transport Systems

Sito web:

Settore dell’azienda: Telecomunicazioni (ricerca)                                                                                     

TIPOLOGIA OFFERTA: Tirocinio/Internship


The CNIT Lab based in Pisa is looking for an intern having a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Electronic, Telecommunications or Computer Engineering (alternatively in Computer Science), who wishes to develop hardware and software solutions for Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems. Specifically, the candidate will work on software development for vehicular networks devices and on the deployment of a C-V2X communication board based on ARM iMX8.

Requisiti e competenze richieste:

C, C++, Linux embedded systems, ARM based systems, Git.

Classi di laurea:

Electronic, Telecommunications or Computer Engineering.

Livello di istruzione (laureando/laureato triennale/laureato magistrale):

Bachelor’s or master’s degree.


Città di lavoro: Pisa

Tipo di contratto: Tirocinio/Internship

Data inizio: March 2019

Durata (mesi): 12      

Salario offerto: From 500,00 € (based on experience and skills)

Validità offerta: Up to March 31


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