2019 Summer Students
Italian program
at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
and at other US Laboratories
July 29th - September 27th, 2019
Deadline for application February 28, 2019
The Italian Summer Student program at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab, Video) started in 1983 within the rapidly-growing collaboration among the University of Pisa, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics of Italy (INFN) and Fermilab. In the first year 3 undergraduate physics students from the University of Pisa worked for 3 months at the construction of the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). In the following 35 years, with altogether over 550 physics and engineering students employed in all Fermilab Divisions, the program has become part of the extensive Fermilab educational effort. It is run by the Cultural Association of Italians at Fermilab (CAIF), under the sponsorship of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), the US Department of Energy (DOE), and the Italian Embassy in Washington. Student grants are secured also by the the Scuola Superiore di Sant'Anna of Pisa (SSSA) and by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for students to be trained in US space enters. The original program has been recently extended to train students at US research institutions other than Fermilab. These have included the DOE Argonne National Laboratory, and several US space science Laboratories. Space science internships for the year 2019 are announced in the following link. Private companies operating in the field of research and development are looking with interest at this educational program. The program was recently presented at the 12th International Conference of Education and Development (INTED 2018) (Seville, 17th - 19th November 2014) and EPS-2017 (poster). To spread more broadly the beneficial effects of joining Fermilab research activities among EU students the University of Pisa has included this program among its educational Summer Schools since the year 2015. Accordingly, as of that year applicants can choose to enroll as University of Pisa students for the 9 weeks duration of the Summer School. Upon successful completion of the training, the University of Pisa will grant them 6 "CFU" credits (see paragraph below on "Credits").
The University of Pisa Summer School is also part of the Outreach program of the European Projects
MUSE - "Muon campus in US and Europe contribution" (Grant Agreement 690835, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015),
NEWS - "New windows on the universe and technological advancements from trilateral EU-US-Japan collaboration" (Grant Agreement 734303, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016),
and INTENSE - "INTENSE: particle physics experiments at the high intensity frontier, from new physics to spin-offs. A cooperative Europe - United States - Japan effort" (Grant Agreement 822185, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018).
Maggiori informazioni al seguente link: https://www.pi.infn.it/cdf/ss2015/PisaFermilabSummerSchool.html
Referente: Simone Donati - University and INFN Pisa